Friday, August 24, 2012

6 months later

So it was 6 months ago yesterday that I ruptured my achilles playing soccer.  I had my 15th physical therapy appointment today and I was as light on my feet as I've been so far.  My PT had me doing some step in and out of a rope ladder exercise that may sound complicated but was a success.  I have watched others speed through this exercise and wonder if and when I would be able to speed through it.  While I was not speedy I was quite impressed with my mobility.  At this time the most discomfort I feel is stiffness with flexibility in taking steps and some days its worse than others.  The good thing is my daughter said to me earlier this week, "daddy, your not limping".  It made my day because I know my limp is still a bit subtle and I tend to stride through the minor discomfort.  I set a goal a few months back to go on a hike in August around 6 months after my rupture.  So tomorrow my daughter and I will be going for a hike around Reflection Lakes near Mt Rainier.  It should be a great day as our warm and sunny days come to an end for the summer.  It's amazing how much we learn about the body when things like this happen.  I am finding that I am learning how to walk all over again and it takes a lot more concentration than I ever imagined. 

He who limps is still walking.  ~Stanislaw J. Lec