Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Physical Therapy Begins

and it was rough.....parts of it totally rocked my world.  When it comes to the pain of the nerve I feel I home I thought I had experienced level 10 take your breath away type stuff.  Well today in going to the PT for the first time he found like a level 20 out 10.  I think the old ladies in the room rehabing shoulders started crying just looking at me.  They hope by loosening up the scar tissue and get all the tendons, nerves and ligaments going in the right direction it will improve the nerve pain over the next few weeks.  There were times today I felt the pain was a good and bad kind of thing, you know, it hurts so good.  The foot needs to be stretched and forced to move more so than I had done yet.  So while I felt it was a great day for the actual achilles and foot for mobility and flexibility it was another jaw clincher for the nerve. 

One PT visit down and until I am jogging comfortably again.  Keep Smilin, I got this!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Barefoot and walking

Well.....looks more like limping than walking but I am walking shoe free now.  I went to my DR on Wed and had a great visit.  Tendon is good for the next step which in this case is walking barefoot and starting Physical Therapy.  I am also able to move into my normal shoes now as well so this is a good sign.  I am still experiencing some minor and sometimes excruciating nerve pain but it is no longer preventing me from my rehab activities.  I just sort of suck it up and move on after it takes my breath away as the pain seems to go away pretty quickly.  I am able to walk for longer periods of time now and stand for a good amount.  I volunteered for my daughter's field day on Tue and was on my feet for over 4 hours that day while coaching the capture the flag game.  There is also a great PT group here where I live who the PT group for the US Olympic soccer team and others so I should be in good hands and will begin the PT next week.  So good things to come and working on getting my stride back sooner than later. 

 "The pain you're feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming."  Anonymous
