Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Physical Therapy Begins

and it was rough.....parts of it totally rocked my world.  When it comes to the pain of the nerve I feel I home I thought I had experienced level 10 take your breath away type stuff.  Well today in going to the PT for the first time he found like a level 20 out 10.  I think the old ladies in the room rehabing shoulders started crying just looking at me.  They hope by loosening up the scar tissue and get all the tendons, nerves and ligaments going in the right direction it will improve the nerve pain over the next few weeks.  There were times today I felt the pain was a good and bad kind of thing, you know, it hurts so good.  The foot needs to be stretched and forced to move more so than I had done yet.  So while I felt it was a great day for the actual achilles and foot for mobility and flexibility it was another jaw clincher for the nerve. 

One PT visit down and until I am jogging comfortably again.  Keep Smilin, I got this!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! I hope it gets better for you. I recently had knee surgery and have been non weight bearing for 6 weeks. I am not looking forward to PT although I know yours is much worse. I am glad you are on the road back to recovery and 1 step closer to jogging comfortably. My doc says it will be a year from surgery that I will be doing the same.

    All the best.
