Monday, October 22, 2012

Jogging has begun

Yes it has been a while since I last posted but thought I would take a moment to update my progress.  On Friday I ran a 12 minute mile at 90% my body weight.  Outside of being a tad winded my tendon and foot felt pretty darn good.  I am walking quite normal these days and if you didn't know any better you couldn't tell I had an injury like this.  The only discomfort I have these days is stiffness around my inner and outer heal.  It will just take time to get the tendons in those areas to get back to working like they did before.  I can see and feel the improvement every time I go to PT.  Soon I will be able to start working on lateral movements and jogging at my full body weight.  I'm working toward being back to 100% by my anniversary date of the injury.  After 8 months I'm feeling more and more confident everyday and looking forward to a full recovery. 

Sometimes I get the feeling the aspirin companies are sponsoring my pain.

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